Career Clinic: Successful Interview Prep Strategies


Thursday, November 16, 2023, 2:00pm to 3:30pm


Online - Register to receive Zoom link
Facilitator: James Gould, PhD, Director, HMS/HSDM Office for Postdoctoral Fellows
Workshop Description: Please note, Career Clinics are interactive workshops and registrants are expected to prepare assignments in advance and turn cameras on during the workshop.
Every postdoc could benefit from interview prep as they move forward in their job search. A critical part of job hunting is convincing others, and sometimes yourself, that you are capable of performing successfully. By focusing on self-awareness, this workshop will cover common struggles and effective strategies for preparing to successfully interview.
Note: this is an interactive workshop, registration is limited. Registrants will receive handouts and a short assignment to prepare in the week prior to the workshop.

Series Description: Going on the job market is much more than just submitting an application and watching the offers come rolling in. It’s about finding a good fit and concisely conveying your career trajectory. This interactive monthly series will help participants prepare their minds and materials for the job search process through peer review and guided exercises.